Whadda Week!

My Brother's Keeper, my band, playing at the Sleeping Angel's fund benefit

This has been a terrific, but busy week. First off…thanks to the bands, the bar owners, and especially all those who came out Friday and Saturday for the Sleeping Angels Fund Music Fest. I think we had over a hundred on Friday alone. A special shout out to Dante and Katie – you pulled off a great event. I’m proud of you.

An admission – it was weird having friends from work there (I wonder what I’m going to hear on Monday!), but no blogging buddies. I admit that made me a little sad.

In any case, the band practiced hard this week to make up for a whole year of not playing out – and we kicked some ass. It was good. Very good. A release. I hope we keep at it this time.

In Philly Future news, we launched a Philadelphia specific advertiser network. I’ve been talking to developers about providing the tools to bring online a missing persons network. I’ve also been working to upgrade Philly Future to the latest and greatest version of CivicSpace.

I got into a deep discussion on the existence of the “A-list” that you can read more about here, here and here. The conversation seems to have been read by a few folks out here that I admire. I have a slightly different take then most I know, who seem to either want to decry its existence, want to tear it down somehow, or want to deny it even exists.

This Thursday we had a launch day at Comcast.net for new features. Always a big day. It went very smooth.

And yesterday we had a huge surprise birthday party for my mom (my mother in-law). Happy birthday mom!

Oh and I was out drinking three nights this week. In particular with my co-workers who came out Friday (you rock!).

And yes, that’s us above. Me in the red Daily News shirt, Dante belting his heart out, Steve on bass, and Billy on drums – the heart of the band.

It was a big week for the netroots in Philly as well. Go read Suburban Guerrilla – Growing, but I need to quote the following from her:

People are always remarking on how many well-known bloggers live in Philadelphia. “Is it something in the water?” people often say to me.

Well, it’s a number of things, I suppose: Philadelphia is not a cutthroat town. From the very beginning, the local blogging community has helped each other out, and those at the top of the blogging food chain have been very good about reaching down and pulling up the rest. (We also socialize a lot, which helps.)

Maybe it’s that Philadelphia has always been a place where important ideas generate and take form – remember that little thing called the Continental Congress? Every time I talk to another local blogger, there’s a new idea – and the next time we talk, it’s already on its way to becoming real. People here are also very good at sharing – there aren’t many resources you couldn’t find here (OK, both Jim Capozzola and I really need a free dentist, but other than that…) and someone will always help.

I guess if I had to sum it up briefly (and I know you wish I would), it would be this: Some people may look at a problem and say, “We can’t do anything about that.” In Philadelphia, people look at a problem, talk about possible solutions and say, “Well, why the fuck not?”

Ah Sunday 🙂

7 thoughts on “Whadda Week!

  1. You are correct Karl. You should have been at silk city last night. I opened the show, and the event there was a blast. Sorry you missed it bro.

    I was really tempted to play your future knocks.


    We got plenty of pictures!!!

  2. Hey Steve, thanks man. I’m sure you rocked Silk City last night too. If you want – email me some pics and I will post them.

    If I was there – I would have encouraged you to play Future Knocks 🙂

  3. Glad to hear your show went off so well. It would’ve been a perfect spot for me to catch you guys, except for the work schedule — a couple hours’ difference on the scheduling would’ve been great, but if you all make any more appearances this year, maybe I’ll catch you then.

  4. Thanks Bill and Howard 🙂 Hopefully we will. I gotta keep my hopes up. After a show like this – you don’t want to quit man. You want to keep going.

  5. Arg, I wish I coulda been there. I was out both nights, Saturday night at Brownies 38th St where they premiered their new Chestnut Room which will feature live local talent 3 nights a week – maybe I’ll be able to catch you, in that red DN shirt, on stage there sometime soon.

  6. Karl, Dante has my copies of both nights pictures on CD’s. Next time your over his house, or if you want stop by my spot and I can dump them all off to a disc for you.

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