Connecting threads….

Dan says that its time to wave goodbye to the the idea of journalistic objectivity and move on to embrace new (old) principals that are required in this day and age: thoroughness, accuracy, fairness, and transparency. Couldn’t agree more. I’d love to see pundit bloggers agree on these principals. Boy would I.

Meanwhile Jay Rosen says the whole blogger vs. journalist argument is over. I’ve never really subscribed to the idea that it existed since I’ve always looked at blogging a toolset.

Ed Cone shares the smartest thing I’ve read in a while on the subject (I say that because it agrees with what I just said!): “Blogging is a tool, Journalism is an occupation, and Credibility is a goal” from The Head Lemur.

For pundits/journalists/domain experts – credibility is the goal. For the rest of the world – Shelley’s right – it’s about fun, communication, expression and sharing.