The next step

Dear Karl,

I want to thank you personally for what you did in the election — you rewrote the book on grassroots politics, taking control of campaigns away from big donors. No campaign will ever be the same.

You moved voters, helped hold George Bush accountable, and countered the attacks from big news organizations such as Fox, Sinclair Broadcasting, and conservative talk radio.

And your efforts count now more than ever. Despite the words of cooperation and moderate sounding promises, this administration is planning a right wing assault on values and ideals we hold most deeply. Healthy debate and diverse opinion are being eliminated from the State Department and CIA, and the cabinet is being remade to rubber stamp policies that will undermine Social Security, balloon the deficit, avoid real reforms in health care and education, weaken homeland security, and walk away from critical allies around the world.

Regardless of the outcome of this election, once all the votes are counted — and they will be counted — we will continue to challenge this administration. This is not a time for Democrats to retreat and accommodate extremists on critical principles — it is a time to stand firm.

I will fight for a national standard for federal elections that has both transparency and accountability in our voting system. It’s unacceptable in the United States that people still don’t have full confidence in the integrity of the voting process.

I ask you to join me in this cause.

And we must fight not only against George Bush’s extreme policies — we must also uphold our own values. This is why on the first day Congress is in session next year, I will introduce a bill to provide every child in America with health insurance. And, with your help, that legislation will be accompanied by the support of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

There are more than eight million uninsured children in our nation.

That’s eight million reasons for us to stay together and fight for a new direction. It is a disgrace that in the wealthiest nation on earth, eight million children go without health insurance.

Normally, a member of the Senate will first approach other senators and ask them to co-sponsor a bill before it is introduced — instead, I am turning to you. Imagine the power of a bill co-sponsored by hundreds of thousands of Americans being presented on the floor of the United States Senate. You can make it happen. Sign our “Every Child Protected” pledge today and forward it to your family, friends, and neighbors:

This is the beginning of a second term effort to hold the Bush administration accountable and to stand up and fight for our principles and our values. They want you to disappear; they are counting on that. I’m confident you will prove them wrong, and you will rewrite history again.

Here is what I want you to know. I understand the strength, commitment, and passion that are at the core of what we built together — and I am determined to make our collective energy and organization a force to be reckoned with in the weeks and months ahead.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get back to work for our country.

Thank you,
John Kerry

John Kerry email to supporters: 11/19/2004

Me and thousands of others got this email today. I gotta tell ya – I am very, very excited that Kerry isn’t going to let the enthusiasm of so many volunteers fall by the way side. It’s one very big email list of people that want to make a change for the better. Sign the petition folks. Sign your name and take a stand.

BTW – Even if the video is word for-word a reading of the email above, it’s great to see.

18 thoughts on “The next step

  1. Like Pattie B says. “It’s a little a little it’s a little too late.”

    Where was this guy two weeks ago? Skiing…

    The news says he’s got 15 Million in the bank that he didn’t use.

    Are you a sheep?

    He failed you because he refused to call a skunk a skunk. It’s a disgrace. I wouldn’t buy this guy a cup of coffee; and I voted for him.

    He took it on the chin like a Kensington Avenue whore.

    Sorry, he can save his message. It’s a little too late……

  2. Good to see you Matt 🙂 He *is* going about this in a way I respect. So unlike Gore in so many ways: one learning not to let himself look like a sore loser, two continuing to fight instead of roll over in depression and cynicism. Rare qualities. He has my respect now more than ever.

  3. I’m sorry Matt, that news is 10 days old. And in today’s day and age that is forever ago. So many other things have come to light since.

    Ohio and Florida isn’t being investigated by Kerry. Most of the things being done to verify we just had a legit election are being done by 3rd party sources. If it were left to Kerry none of this would be getting done. So that’s why I said it’s a little to late for him.

    As a matter of fact Ralph Nader is the one getting the recount done in New Hampshire. Not Kerry.

    So how exactly is Kerry still fighting?

    Is he sharing that 15 million dollars with the green party and independents? No, he isn’t.

    People like us are the one’s paying to make sure everything went done legally. And I’m also doubting Mr. Kerry has sent 1 dollard to Bev Harris as – she is the one that found voter reports and poll tapes in the trash in Florida.

    It’s like I said to my wife when I called her from the office and she was crying watching Kerry’s “I quit,” speech. Don’t cry for this quitter.

    If he runs in 2008, I will vote independent out of spite.

  4. EDIT: Sorry for the typos


    While Mr. Kerry is busy selling a plan/bill you haven’t even seen. Ask him about this please?

    WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 12 million families last year, about the same as in 2002, either didn’t have enough food or worried about being able to feed everyone, the government reported Friday.

    “About one-third of these 12.6 million families, or about 3.9 million, at least one member experienced hunger because he or she couldn’t afford enough food at some time during the last year, said the annual Agriculture Department report.” (continued at link above)

  5. Thats right Karl run away from the thread; like you always do.

    “Must be those rocks in your head.”

    God Damn guy, how can you keep supporting this guy?

    “I,I,I, I am standing alone but I still rock you.” – Dio/BLKSBTH

  6. Matt – Good find. That link is a little more zero’d in to what I’ve been telling people. It is in fact much worse than what you are reading.

    This just may be the biggest scandal of all of America’s history (just ahead of the 2000 election.)

    There are similiar stories coming out of Florida, PA, NH, SC, VA, NM, and a handful of other states were some funny stuff happened. The question should be knowing what you know now and all of America that doesn’t depend on the major news stations knows; would you want John Kerry to be the president if it is found to be true?

    I voted for Kerry, and seeing how he didn’t do anything to help his cause, makes me say NO.

    I find him just as much to blame and frankly wouldn’t give him the keys to the white house; nor the outhouse. The telling sign to me is the 15,000,000.00 bucks left in his war chest.

    He took a dive and didn’t expect anyone to catch wise. So with that I say: Shame on any of you that send that man one more penny!

  7. How nice of Mr. Kerry to give up the cash after he was caught hording it. Puleeze…

    You might wanna check out this movie:

    Bev Harris is definitely getting a xmas card from me this year.

    Voter: “I pressed the button for my choice and the other persons name showed up on the screen.”

  8. There is are vast amounts of funds left over in many campaigns. What candidates do with that money is always up for debate. Kerry did the right thing afterwards. Now his campaign staff… I question why they didn’t spend it on advertising in the last days of the race. There goes a valid discussion if you care to have it.

    The votergate stuff is great but the top three clips at are far more interesting right now. You should check them out.

  9. Kerry horded cash that could have helped other democrats with their elections and didn’t give them a penny. Now he gives up the money after the fact. Thanks for nothing John.

    I’m listening to the top link on that website right now. It’s not much more than I already knew.

    I’m trying to understand how it is that knowing what they know now. How can anyone say that they aren’t trying to change the outcome?

    What are they going to say?

    We know something illegal happened and we’ll worry about it in 4 years to fix it.

    I’m looking for a place marker in history that deals with this kinda thing.

    I’m having trouble finding it.

    Maybe that is by design.

    Sad, truly sad.

    But hey that’s ok, news gathering and fact finding is soon to be illegal; thanks to Patriot Act II:

  10. You really should have your own weblog Neo. My offer is still on the table for my help. The links you post in my threads get read by only a few people. Whereas having a blog would allow you to post to your heart’s content and get your own traffic. Your choice.

  11. I don’t mind only being read by a few people as long as they pass along the info. My posts are all over the place other than My name may or may not be different as seen elsewhere.

    If you read that last link. Bloggers (amoungst many others) are about to become a dying species. There is too much free thought going around and we all know that in a dictatorship you can’t have that.

    You know Karl it’s just like that time at your spot in Frankford, where we were up all night talking about how the world was going to turn out. 12 years later it’s right on course.

    “SECTION 102 of the new Patriot Act ll states clearly that any information gathering, regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal, can be considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for a foreign power. This makes news gathering illegal.”

    “You can blow out a candle, but you can’t blow out a fire!” Biko – Peter Gabriel

  12. “Can you further elaborate?”


    I let my words speak.

    And the eyes of the world are watching now – Biko – Peter Gabriel

  13. You accused me of not “passing along the info”.

    So why post in my comments thread and not get your own blog? More detail please. I’m really curious.

  14. Ok, one last time. This is your brain; this is your brain on drugs.

    (Guesturing to the frying pan)

    I didn’t ACCUSE you of anything. Here’s what I wrote:

    “I don’t mind only being read by a few people as long as they pass along the info. My posts are all over the place other than My name may or may not be different as seen elsewhere.”

    So, what I am saying is I don’t need my own blog to spread info around. I land in people’s blogs and hope that when I pass along informative links, the people that own the blogs will pass along info they might not have otherwise seen. Much like a few of the links I’ve posted here that ended up as top of the thread articles on your site and others elsewhere.

    It’s called sharing.

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