If he would lie over something so small, how far do his lies go?

Dick Cheney said he never met John Edwards, so what about this Dick:

“Congressman Wamp, Senator Edwards, friends from across America, and distinguished visitors to our country from all over the world: Lynne and I are honored to be with you all this morning.” – Dick Cheney

Judging how well the candidates got their message across I would relunctantly say it was a draw. Too many of Cheney’s lies went unchallenged. As I said to many friends, this one would be close to call. Passion, eloquence, and a integrity versus an insider who has been playing the game a long, long time. Hopefully the truth will be outted and the lies exposed for the public to see.

Thanks to Eschaton for the pic and the details.

Update: The more I think about it, the more I believe that Cheney may have fought last night’s battle to a draw, but in doing so, has lost the war. He’s exposed, for the world to see, his lack of credibility and willingness to lie, in a way that can’t be denied.

8 thoughts on “If he would lie over something so small, how far do his lies go?

  1. This comment section is too tempting to resist.

    (Man, too bad you didn’t throw up this post last night. I was on fire after watching this debate.)

    It took the Dick, 2 sentences to mention 911.

    I am so sick of people using 911 as a political tool.

    The only reason it appeared to be a draw was because cheney is an old school liar and can actually speak better than GWB.

    Btw, what was it with cheney passing on questions and not using is entire time during the questions?
    Was he afraid if he kept running his mouth he’d slip up and people would realize he was feeding a web of lies?

    I got into an argument with a friend of mine who isn’t going to vote because he says his vote doesn’t matter. Even though the voting booth will be 2 blocks from his house. He isn’t registered.

    But this won’t make him back down from his ignorant views of this election and the real issues.

    Too many people that believe this debate was a draw or that cheney won this debate have no idea of the facts. They’ve never taken the time to actually read any of the bills the current admin has run through, and far too many believe that what the TV tube tells them is fact.

    While cheney paints a view of security and says we’re safe. Our ports aren’t covered. Our planes aren’t secure. Our police and fire department are struggling to stay open. But were spending 200 Billion (BN) + in Iraq. Btw, did anymore see the tap dance the dick did when describing how the money is being alotted? He’s in need of a math lesson.

    I will say this about Edwards, he missed alot of chances to put Cheney in his place. The passion Edwards showed in the DNC wasn’t quite there last night. Edwards could have buried Cheney over Haliburton. He could have buried him over Cheney’s view of gay rights. He could have buried him over many issues. If if you watched Dick talk about the iraq war and the run up to it. You’d have thought Kerry and Edwards were the one’s who sent our brave soldiers into battle without the proper armor. It was so bad that the families of soldiers actually bought and tried to ship this armor over to iraq. What did Bush and Cheney do? They tried to make it illegal for the families to sent this life saving equipment.

    I think Edwards could have done more to point out the medicare health plan that bush sent through that absolutely screwed seniors.

    He could have pointed out more on social security which will be gone by the time we get to the age of retiring. Most of us will be working until we die.

    There were alot of chances that went by without Edwards taking advantage.

    If you are one of Karl’s readers who come across this site and are undecided over who to vote for. Please, use the internet to do your fact checking and PLEASE use multiple sources to verify facts.

    You will find that 80% of what Dick Cheney told you last night were lies.

    America doesn’t need any more liars. To quote John Lennon. “Give me some trush.”

    If we don’t act, the term “The American dream,” will become “The American nightmare.”

  2. I would say damn near 100% of his statements were lies or based on lies last night. The truth is being outted all over the web.

    Steve, yep, some of the right wing sites out there are just nutso and filled with hatred. There are quite a few on the far left that are just as bad saddly.

    Neo, you should visit some of the bloggers on my links page. Folks like Eschaton, at http://atrios.blogspot.com/, or Oliver Willis, at http://www.oliverwillis.com/, post far more often than me. They were all over this stuff last night. Check them out.

  3. I checked those two blogs, doesn’t look like they get many comments either.

    I’ve been reading the comments/feedback on different news media site this morning. And it seems like America is waking up and saw right through Dick (no pun intended) last night.

    I can’t believe the poll results from msnbc.com that had Edwards laying the smack down and winning hands down. And this was from the responses of 1.1 + million people. (If those number weren’t tampered with)

    Quite strange how many other polls aren’t up now. What are the republicans worried about? You know damn right well, if Edwards would have choked last night. You couldn’t visit any site without there being a poll saying “Who do you think won last nights debate.”

    I smell fear. The republicans have a problem.

    Even their own ranks are starting to disagree with the status quo.

    I can’t wait till Friday. Round 2 in the best of 3.

    Like Karl said, if you are going to lie about meeting someone; which is such a non-issue of just saying yeah we’ve met before. How can you be trusted with our National Security?

    The only thing missing from cheney last night was a few “It’s hard work,” or “Trust me, I know what’s best for the people.”

  4. Very good article at rense. I noticed the same thing this morning. What is wrong with the media?


    Edwards Crushes Cheney –

    Mainstream Press Lies About It

    Wallstreet Journal: Edwards 93% Cheney 5%
    From Noble Eagle

    Jeff – Check Out This Website




    Edwards is kicking ass in the online polls:

    * MSNBC has Edwards Up 68% to 32% in this poll with over 660,000 respondents so far.


    * CBS News has Edwards over Cheney by a margin of 79% to 19%.


    * Even right wing Fox News has Edwards winning 52% to 47%.


    * AOL lists Edwards as the winner 51% to 49%.


    * The CNN poll has Edwards destroying Cheney 78% 18% with nearly 200,000 votes tallied.


    * The Wall Street Journal has Edwards crushing Dick 93% to 5%.

    * Yahoo News shows Edwards dominating Cheney 62% to 32%.

    CHECK OUT THESE ONLINE POLLS!! (Excellent Reference!)

    Note: As for the ABC News line of bullshit:

    ABC ‘Insta-Poll’ among more Republican Audience shows
    Cheney winning the debate 43% to Edwards 35%.

    Here’s the key though. Let’s look at the sample:

    Republicans: 38%
    Democrats: 31%
    Independents: 27%

    If you recalculate that to represent the actual
    electorate, it’s an Edwards win.

    Apparently Peter Jennings even qualified the garbage poll, all but saying “don’t believe it” when he reported it.

    Debunking Cheney

    The first question refers to the Paul Bremer

    and Cheney responds with the biggest lie (among many)of his career…http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A10244-2004Oct5.html

    Read the Full Article…

    (Source: http://rense.com/general58/crush.htm )

  5. (A little off topic but none the less quite important, please pass along this info)

    McCain National ID ‘secretly’ passed Senate on Friday

    Sen. John McCain’s amendment 3807 to the 9/11 Commission bill S 2845 was quietly passed late Friday afternoon by “unanmous consent” after much of the Senate had already left for the weekend. This despite a promised debate on the amendment.

    Call Sen. Collins’ office and demand she open McCain’s amendment 3807 for further amendments. The US Senate switchboard number is 202-224-3121 . Collins’ number is (202) 224-2523. FAX is (202) 224-2693 .

    The 9/11 police state bill S 2845 could pass as early as tonight. If not then, a final vote is expected tomorrow.

    The version of 3807 passed is very similar to Title VI of the McCain Lieberman bill S 2774, with slight changes that may (or may not) hamper the ability of the Homeland Secretary to throw up checkpoints on highways. The process for standardizing state driver’s licenses into a de facto National ID card is still in place; with additional provisions for a rulemaking process.

    Please forward this message and CALL SEN. COLLINS and YOUR SENATORS — TODAY — to express your opposition to McCain’s amendment 3807.

    (Source: http://www.libertythink.com/2004/10/mccain-national-id-secretly-passed.html )

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