Election doing for Bittorrent what 9/11 did for blogs

Never Forget: Internet Vets for Truth is the perfect example to show how easy it is to distribute video, to a huge audience, on a shoestring budget. Bittorrent empowers folks to publish large files quickly and easily, where once it would have required costly infrastructure. The distribution of the Jon Stewart Crossfire confrontation video illustrates just how far things have come. I believe this election has encouraged folks to push broadcasting?s boundaries, to make up for what the media has not provided, just as 9/11 encouraged bloggers to do the same for publishing.

(RSS + Bittorrent) * Video/Audio Content = the true new media. It’s disruptive technology. Check out TvTorrents for an eye opening peek.

5 thoughts on “Election doing for Bittorrent what 9/11 did for blogs

  1. Karl, you missed one hell of a war over at dog snot last week.

    And last night I had a really heated debate at:


    See the post down from the top name “Say this do that.”

    The guy who runs dognot started banning me. So I just plugged in proxies and kept coming back.

    At the other guys site, I was allowed to keep the exchange up.

    I may not be out knocking on doors but I’m definitely knocking on domains.

    My Kung FU is better.

    In a way, I’ll be glad when Tuesday comes and goes and try to get back to some sense of normal with my postings.

    I look forward to ending the war with dog snot. I won’t bother going back after Kerry wins; well I’ll go back at least once to gloat. 🙂

    Make sure you ALL get out to vote on tuesday; no excuses people.

    Go Kerry!!!!

  2. Steve – I agree, but somebody had to put them in their place.

    On a positive note. Electoral-vote.com is posting Nov 1 polls giving Kerry the edge in the predicted outcome 301 to 218. If this is true and holds up. Kerry will win tomorrow night.

    Also, the Redskins lost yesterday to Green Bay, and in a weird (if you will) curse going back to 1936, the Presidental race usually follows suit.

    The incumbent party usually wins when the redskins win. When the Redskins lose, the incumbent has lost. I’m not making this up.

    (I only hope it holds true)

    Make sure you all come out and vote tomorrow. And don’t let anyone stand in your way while you walk to the lever.

  3. Steve – I agree, but somebody had to put them in their place.

    On a positive note. Electoral-vote.com is posting Nov 1 polls giving Kerry the edge in the predicted outcome 301 to 218. If this is true and holds up. Kerry will win tomorrow night.

    Also, the Redskins lost yesterday to Green Bay, and in a weird (if you will) curse going back to 1936, the Presidental race usually follows suit.

    The incumbent party usually wins when the redskins win. When the Redskins lose, the incumbent has lost. I’m not making this up.

    (I only hope it holds true)

    Make sure you all come out and vote tomorrow. And don’t let anyone stand in your way while you walk to the lever.

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