Make sure you are registered, and if not, do it now!

These instructions are for Pennsylvania:

  1. You can verify you are registered by calling a phone number on this list. In Philadelphia it is:
    Mr. Bob Lee
    Voter Registration Admin.
    Riverview Place,
    520 N. Delaware Ave. 5th Fl.
    Philadelphia, PA 19123-4295
    (215) 686-1500 OR 1505

  2. If you are not registered, or have changed your personal information in some way, in Pennsylvania, the League of Women Voters give the simplest information on how register or re-register. You’ll want to read their FAQs. The main site is a wealth of information on your rights and what to look out for.

  3. has a clickable map, for Philadelphians to locate their polling place.

  4. After you are registered and confirmed it, get involved to get out the vote.

  5. If you’re interested in what money your candidate is taking from whom, check out A site many more should visit.

  6. Election Protection is a link to pass around. There is a history of voter intimidation in some parts of Philly. This is a national resource to make sure your vote gets counted.

  7. The Smithsonian’s “The Machinery of Democracy” is an online exhibit that “explores how ballots and voting systems have evolved over the years as a response to political, social, and technological change, transforming the ways in which Americans vote.” Fascinating stuff.

  8. The following is NSFW: Votergasm wants you to take a pledge: Have sex with your friendly voter on election night and withhold sex from your friendly non-voter. Cybersex doesn’t cut it folks.

  9. And finally, you maybe wondering, “What Are You Voting For?”. This linked comic book lays it bare for you in clear terms. Pass it around.

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