Bush declines NAACP invitation

Bush, more so than any other incumbent President I can think of, is working his base instead of reaching towards center. He turned down an invitation to speak at the NAACP’s annual convention (CNN) held in Philadelphia this year. You wouldn’t know it from our local news papers however. Strangely silent.

One thought on “Bush declines NAACP invitation

  1. The NAACP is not centrist. It’s been more or less hijacked by the extreme left.

    These are the same people who accused Bush of siding with the jackass that dragged James Byrd, a black man, to his death in Texas when Bush was governor. Bush pushed for the death penalty for those responsible. Later, the NAACP funds ads during Bush’s first presidential bid – Byrd’s daughter reads from a script, saying Bush not putting the guy to justice (the death penalty isn’t enough?) was like “seeing daddy die all over again.”

    Attending their events would be giving them more opportunities for this kind of nonsense, along with their other divisive agendas.

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