Philly Future: It’s Alive!

I have the domain back. Now, thru RSS, Philly Future can fulfill it’s original purpose and much more.

It’s been a long journey, one that started back in December 1999, thanks to EditThisPage, the great Manila hosting service provided by Userland.

Philly Future migrated from EditThisPage because of the duel purposes it served for me; to experiment with weblogging technology and to provide a weblog clearinghouse covering Philly. I still experiment with new weblogging tools and is liable to migrate, at anytime, to something new.

I was hoping to attact a team of webloggers to post regular updates at Philly Future. It never happened. The best want a place to express their own unfettered view. And with events occurring in my life and in the world, I let the domain expire. A porn redirector took the domain name surprisingly.

I have the domain back. Now, thru RSS, Philly Future can fulfill it’s original purpose and much more.

If you have links pointing to the old page, please change them. Also note the new icon for Philly Future.

It’s a new beginning.

Note to some Philly Webloggers: The plugin I am using for RSS feeds seems to be incompatible with Atom. If you are only providing an Atom feed, Philly Future will list you, but can’t display your headlines. I will attempt to modify it’s code to make it do so in short order.