The Anniversary: Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero

Ground Zero in Manhattan has become a site of pilgrimage. Thousands of people visit the site, looking for consolation as they question the events of September 11. There is a profound quiet to their meditations. Starting here, FRONTLINE sets out on a quest to find out how peoples’ beliefs-and unbelief-has been challenged, and how they are coping with difficult questions of good and evil, the face of God, and the potential for darkness within religion itself. From survivors who were pulled from the wreckage of the Twin Towers to the widow of a New York City firefighter; from priests and rabbis to security guards and opera divas; from lapsed Catholics and Jews to Buddhists, Muslims, and atheists…. FRONTLINE explores and illuminates the myriad of spiritual questions that have come out of the terror, pain, and destruction at Ground Zero. (120 min)
09.11.2002 at 8:00pm (whyy tv12)
09.12.2002 at 3:00am (whyy tv12)

Here is frontline’s program site.

Doc’s convinced me. I will be watching on 9.11 at 8PM.

One thought on “The Anniversary: Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero

  1. This was, by far, the most moving and astounding thing I’ve ever seen on television. Again and again, it dealt with things that had been shadows, just behind me, that I couldn’t quite get hold of. So many of the comments were like huge pieces of a puzzle falling into place for me – yes, this is how I have been feeling, yes, these are the questions that haunt me every time I see the pictures of that day again. Yes, this is what it means to have faith, and to try to deal with an event like this one – when there has never, in my experience, been an event even remotely like this one. I cannot say enough about how incredible this program and the people who spoke on it are. If you are an artist, or a person interested in the nature of faith in any way, you will find this program more than worthwhile.

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