Sexism in Weblogging

I had a huge post here, but it just danced around what I’m trying to say. Here it goes in four (well close) sentences:

1. There is sexism out here. It would be dumb not to admit it. The blogosphere is like a mirror of real life. Just as many assholes online just as there are off.

2. What we say on our weblogs can be dangerous because everything we say get’s Googled. Words can hurt. Especially since they are indexed and remembered for all of time. It cuts both ways.

3. Sometimes it’s not nefarious reasons behind not getting linked to. Sometimes – it’s just like real life. Birds of a feather flock together.

4. Meryl explains it all better then I can. Infact, go to her site for the relavent links.

(I took away my link because it could imply something. I’m misunderstanding (as usual – should keep my nose outta stuff). Read comments below).

4 thoughts on “Sexism in Weblogging

  1. I am not talking about getting linked – I am talking about the nature of how I have been treated because of my content.

    I give up – no one is listening anyway.

  2. I’m trying 🙂 Doesn’t look like I got it. You were treated bad because of your content?

  3. I appreciate your adjustment. I am trying hard to have a tough skin. I infact take criticism to heart and make an effort to listen to what people are saying and try to make changes if that is what is required.

    My original post was made in anger – but it still holds true, those people weren’t very nice to me. But I guess the point is: so what?!

  4. Thanks 🙂 I guess that’s it. Fugetabodum 🙂 As long as no one was saying harmful stuff site to site. That’s where it gets really scary. That’s where Google becomes not only our friend – but an enemy. It sucks. The echochamber effect can be really nasty.

    I wouldn’t change your site to suit other people – that is – unless that’s what you want to do. It’s up to you 🙂

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