Damn! Bon Jovi rocked Times Square on VH1.
I know I lose points with certain technologists out there for liking metal and Bon Jovi. I don’t care. Your loss. And you losers who teased me for liking Jovi back in high school or during the 90s can kiss my ass. Elitist ‘your music is lower then mine’ #!^%$. Kiss my ass. Kiss my ass. Kiss my ass. This new album is gonna be huge. And for you poor souls who just don’t get effect of a concert where thousands of people are screaming their hearts out to a tune they can relate to on some level…. I just feel sorry for you. Stop being such snobs. And you can kiss my ass.
Yes the music industry is having a bad time right now… but rock n’ roll still survives in Philadelphia and New Jersey. How can I say Philly? Well you’ll see…
Maybe not. My sister lives in Manhattan and was in the general vicinity to see a play. She says the entire area was a huge mess and most people couldn’t get anywhere close to the stage.
That’s what public transportation is for 🙂 Greyhound all the way 🙂
BTW – I’ve now heard four of the new songs from the new albumn. Best albumn since New Jersey so far.