Moving, smoking, programming, stuff

Today we’re gonna finish up at the old apartment. Cleaning. After today, we will never be going back. Out with the old, in with the new.

The DNS refreshed and now I’m finished migrating between my old host and my new one – Kattare. The JSP/Servlet community is hot on this host and in particular it is the home of Blogging Roller. My old ISP, while feature rich, had performance problems. So far I’m blown away by how fast MovableType seems here.

Now, after all this moving, I can get back to, in my private time, working on Cofax. Lots of documentation to write, including thank yous. A new release should be out shortly. I can also get back to my experimenting. That means I’ll hopefully get a chance to try out Roller real soon now.

Not only that – but I can get back to working with my recorder 🙂 I have tons of songs I can finally share.

That fire did a real number on my schedule.

Thanks for the support on the smokes. Still going strong. It will be one week at midnight tonight. The worst part of it now are the waves of… saddness… that I am experiencing. Real heavy weights on my chest. I know they are smoking related and should disappear soon. But they really suck.

One thought on “Moving, smoking, programming, stuff

  1. Yay. Keep it up Karl…great news!

    Yeah those sad things do suck don’t they, but they go away pretty quickly.

    Cheers. 🙂

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