Last chance for planet Earth?

It is the Olympics of world politics.

For nearly two weeks, starting tomorrow, more than 100 nations and 65,000 delegates will convene in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The mission of the World Summit for Sustainable Development has been stated many ways, but those involved say it boils down to this: to save the planet from ecological devastation and rescue billions of people from wretched poverty.

Read the rest in this Philadelphia Inquirer article.

What happens when the rest of the world get’s together to make the world a better place? We don’t participate. Kinda like the popular kid that wants to be the center of attention and is pissed off that everyone else is putting something together – it’s up to the popular kid to swallow his ego and get involved.

Here goes a great weblog covering the summit. Thanks Shelley.

One thought on “Last chance for planet Earth?

  1. Kinda like the popular kid that wants to be the center of attention and is pissed off that everyone else is putting something together – it’s up to the popular kid to swallow his ego and get involved.

    Good analogy. Except for that “popular” part.

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