Just about two or three months ago, I went two weeks without a smoke. I went to a bar, and almost ended up in a fight with an Airforce pilot who was disrespecting my sister in law who told him to scram. He started to put her down. Which pissed me off. The bartender threw him out. Lucky for me. I woulda got my ass kicked.
Anyway, it’s 8:26 and I know I’ve beaten it today. And I look forward to beating it tomorrow.
Anyone who says this is easy is out of their skulls.
I’m pulling for you Karl.
thanks Shelley 🙂 it’s why i stopped talking about my quit last time. i felt ashamed that I relapsed yet again. people get tired of hearing the same things.
STOP SMOKING! This is a violation of your homeowner’s insurance policy, or didn’t you realize that? As a new homeowner, I understand you are not familiar with all the clauses of your policy but this is important.
Seriously, dude, hard as it might be (I am 14 months, 2 weeks past my last ciggie), anyone can quit. Anyone includes you. My closest friend these days is five months plus past his last, and he had a FIVE PACK A DAY habit, no kidding.
I’m guessing now that you guys have the house, little Karls are next on the ToDo list. Every time you light up, think of their faces and you will have the motivation.
One day and 16 hours so far 🙂 In my experience I
‘ve gotten past the hard part physical addition wise.
Now I need to beware the evil voice in my head that says…. “You’ve made it this far. Just one won’t hurt.” That thought is, of course – STUPID. But it’s hard to avoid when I bump into people, or find myself in a situation that requires creativity. Coding is *very* hard without smoke breaks. So is songwriting. Things I love most actually. For example – this time around I’m avoiding playing pool at any bar for a long, long time.